Outdoor Girl

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MTB: Ladybower Circular - Peak District

Whenever my thoughts turned towards riding biking in the Ladybower area, they always fell into one of two categories:

a) easy, often busy, and not particularly exciting cycling around the Derwent and Upper Howden reservoirs (incidentally, great for the first ride back after a winter spent cosying up in front of the wood burner)

b) gnarly, technical, riding with some hardcore sounding descents like ‘The Beast’ and ‘Potato Alley’

My initiation into riding around the Ladybower area was many years ago on a first date with my now husband. I seemed to spend most of that ride falling off as I tried to impress him and keep up - thankfully he was so far ahead that he missed most of it and we still ended up on a second date!

So on a freezing cold, clear, icy day in January after seemingly endless weeks of wet and windy weather, when said husband proposed a bike ride around the moors of Ladybower, it was with some trepidation that I geared up to set out on the trail.

Parking up on the west side of Ladybower reservoir, the start of the ride was a wide track heading steeply uphill on Hagg Side. Breathing icy cold air deeply into my lungs before my muscles were warmed up was something of a shock to the system. I almost regretted not taking the easy option of a circuit of the Derwent and Howden reservoirs, but luckily we soon broke out onto the moors of Open Hagg where the going was much easier, more fun and had the bonus of sunshine.

We soon arrived at a bridleway cross roads, which had an escape option back to the reservoir in one direction and the continuation of my full Ladybower experience in the other. Lots of mountain bike routes intersect here and it felt like a busy day at the trail centre.

Turning west to continue the Ladybower circuit, we dropped down a steeply zig zagging trail towards Hagg Farm. It was great fun! The first part was lovely swoopy riding, which soon became a more technical ride over big loose rocks. I took it tentatively on my hardtail, but thankfully the crowds had dispersed enough for me to pick a good line.

Crossing the A57 Snake Pass, we left the popular zig zags and had a stretch of easy riding on a quiet wide path alongside the banks of Ladybower. Black ice had formed over the track and I ended up sliding onto my backside when I took my eye off the trail to admire the view - honestly, I don’t usually spend all my time falling off!

Whilst we could have continued on this track to the dam wall, the lure of some fun riding had us taking a track leading steeply uphill to the right.  The ice across the track led to some interesting and frustrating cycling, but the views at the top made it well worth the effort.

With a sprinkling of snow to set the picture, it was a perfect place to stop for a cup of hot chocolate (it's my new winter flask drink).

Continuing along through ‘Wiseman Hey Clough Plantation', the track took us through muddy and rutted terrain, iced over to make things that little bit more interesting. The saving grace was that the ice made the mud less gloopy! Eventually, it opened out onto a better surfaced track and a fast and flowing downhill section which brought smiles to our faces.

Rejoining the track alongside the banks of Ladybower, we came to the dam wall and crossed to the A6013 road. If you fancy a quick pit stop at this point, the Yorkshire Bridge pub is close by!

Turning left onto the cycle path on the A6013 alongside the east banks of Ladybower, we came to the A57 junction and turned left towards Glossop. Just before crossing the bridge over Ladybower, we took a track heading up the east side of Ladybower, back towards Fairholmes Visitor Centre and the dam wall of Derwent reservoir. This is an easy track (popular with cyclists, walkers and runners), and is a great traffic free return route.

At Fairholmes, we turned left on the road alongside the west shore of Ladybower to return to the car park near Hagg Side.

Verdict: A fun ride, generally on good tracks. One technical downhill section (to Hagg Farm) which could be pushed if required. The uphill sections are steep but on good tracks rather than gnarly technical trails.  I reckon this ride has given me a 3rd option now whenever I think of mountain biking around Ladybower.

Distance: Approx 10.5 miles (2-3 hours depending on conditions and hot chocolate stops)

Map: OS OL1 (Dark Peak)

Getting there: Options of free car parking on the west side of Ladybower reservoir if you arrive early enough, otherwise several pay and display car parks. See this link for public transport information in the Peak District.

Refreshments: Fairholmes Visitor Centre for toilet facilities, snacks and hot drinks.  Yorkshire Bridge pub.

Map of route

Ladybower Reservoir

Ladybower view

Wiseman Hey Clough