Outdoor Girl

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Hamsterley Beast, enjoying the challenge without crossing the start line

This weekend saw the 3rd year of the fearsome sounding Hamsterley Beast mountain biking event. When Ride Holme first pressed send on his entry form months ago, I added the date in my diary to go along as his most enthusiastic supporter.

The immediate question springing to your minds might be why on earth I was planning on supporting rather than entering myself, especially bearing in mind the fact that I spend most weekends on the trails with said husband. The answer is complex but basically, I love the atmosphere of these big events, but I’m not interested in participating.

At the Hamsterley Beast, I had a fantastic time exploring some of the local trails at a leisurely pace while my husband was riding the event. I got to chat with marshals who gave me great pointers about where to ride and also came across one of the event check points where I spent some time chilling along with the event participants.

I did end up on a new section of bike park type trail by accident. It was still being built and only open to event riders but, in my defence, I was looking for the red return route which suddenly became closed off with no diversion signs for non-event riders. The wrong turn meant that an official event photographer took my picture and I received a cheery well done from a spectator (I felt a fraud).

The overall memory I took away from the Hamsterley Beast was one of pure enjoyment. The atmosphere felt like a very small 'Ard Rock weekend and something which had been put together by a group of friends wanting to get together for a laugh (yet still professionally managed).

If by now I've spiked your interest in joining me as an event supporter, check out the Steel City Downhill (usually held annually in May). Entrants here vary from young kids through to the wonderfully named Granny McGnarly (Pat Horscroft who at the grand age of 73 is the eldest competitor) and you can enjoy wandering around the trade stands before sampling one of the locally based street food or ale outlets. I love the Steel City Downhill and it always brings a big grin to my face.

Hamsterley Beast event info - taken from the website: The Hamsterley Beast is a mountain bike ride based at Hamsterley Forest. Established in 2015 with the aim of raising funds to support the Great North Air Ambulance, the first event attracted over 150 riders. In 2016 over 350 riders entered, raising £17,500  pounds for the charity.  2017 had entries capped at 500, with campers the night before enjoying burgers, beer and bands.

The Beasts Head

Beer, burgers and bands - Black Nevada